I made a version of my mom's meatball stew for supper and Trent told me to make it this way every-time
(I decided I'd better write it down b/c I didn't use a recipe, I was just winging it).
My mom makes her own homemade meatballs, but I cheat to save time and buy the bag of italian meatballs that are pre-made and in the freezer section at Walmart. :}
meatballs (buy or make your own)
1 box beef broth
1 can tomato paste (I used the Hunt's garlic/basil/oregano kind)
minced garlic
1 can whole green beans, drained
carrots, sliced
new potatoes, cut into chunks
half an onion, diced
ditalini pasta (or small macaroni noodle pasta)
*Put meatballs on a pan & cook in the oven while preparing everything below--toss meatballs in at the very end.
*I did several things in separate steps b/c I was short on time...I cut up my carrots & steamed them; I washed & chunked the potatoes--seasoned them a little and microwaved them so they would get soft faster.
*I also cooked my pasta separately and added it at the end.
*In a dutch oven I added a little olive oil & minced garlic and sautéed my onion in that, then I added in the carrots & potatoes (which I had already steamed) and dumped in the green beans. I stirred them around in the saute for a minute before adding the beef broth.
I mixed my tomato paste with a little water and added this to the pan.
I brought it all to a boil, then turned it down and simmered it, covered, for a while until we were ready to eat (tossing the pasta & meatballs in at the end).
These instructions are rambling, and not in great order--sorry--the main reason I'm posting this is so I'll kind of remember how I did it for next time!